23 Apr April
The Environment Agency (EA) working in partnership with the British Safety Industry Federation (BSIF) have produced two reports aimed at helping SME’s reduce the frequency and the impact of spills on the environment.
– The first report “Best Practice in Spill Prevention in the Waste Management Industry” looks at the risks posed by environmentally harmful substances and fires on waste sites and takes advice and opinions from representatives within the industry to put together a guide to help small and medium businesses get things right.
– The second report takes a similar line and is titled “Construction Spill Prevention Matters” this report focuses on the environmental risks from the construction industry.
By taking the experience and knowledge of large and small companies in both sectors, the EA and the BSIF hope that SME’s can implement pollution prevention methods to reduce their financial burden and the risks to the environment. Making changes proactively rather than waiting for an incident is paramount. As readers of Containment News will know, the ‘fingers-crossed’ and ‘we’ve done it this way for years’ systems are still in operation on many sites around the UK!