This guide is an update to CIRIA R164 Design of containment systems for the prevention of water pollution from industrial incidents published in 1997, and has been developed to assist owners and operators of industrial and commercial facilities storing substances (inventories) that may be hazardous to the environment.
It provides guidance on identifying the hazards, assessing the risks, and mitigating the potential consequences of a failure of the primary storage facility and/or the combustion of its contents. A 3 tier risk assessment methodology is introduced with recommendations for different ‘classes’ of construction for each.
It is applicable to the containment of a wide range of inventories and to all sites from small commercial premises with a single storage tank, to large chemical or petrochemical sites. It also applies to warehouses storing hazardous inventories.
Information is provided on the design, and construction of new secondary containment systems and also the inspection, maintenance, repair, extension, and upgrading of existing installations.